Yes, I plan on continuing.

As you may have heard, Elysion has decided to drop the series and you might be wondering if I plan to continue. Well, the answer is in the title 😛

As I mentioned when I first started, I picked this up to ensure that readers had a free way to read this series in what is hopefully an acceptable level of quality. Nothing about that changes simply because he’s dropped the series.

Now that the question that is weighing most heavily on your minds has been answered, allow me to address two other points that have been brought up more than a few times in the days since I first started. Hit the jump if you’re interested.

Q: Why don’t you just cooperate?

A: As I explained when I first picked up Isekai Mahou, entirely putting aside my issues with the way he handled donations, I have serious concerns about translation quality. I strive to ensure that translations I release are of a quality that I can be proud of. His translations do not meet that standard in my mind.

This is for three reasons: 1) Elysion has a habit of removing entire sections of the source text from his translations, 2) there are a number of translation inaccuracies within his work which would require me to double-check everything, and 3) as is entirely understandable since he is not a native English-speaker, his ability to phrase things in English does not meet the standard I expect from my translations. To further hammer the second point home, as anyone who has translated before can tell you, double-checking a translation with numerous inaccuracies is more time consuming than simply translating the text from scratch. Contrary to what you might expect, twice the people does not necessarily even approximate twice the speed – in this specific instance, it would probably reduce translation speed to less than what I could achieve working alone.

Q: Why did you “steal” this series without even consulting him first?

A: I had, prior to taking any other action, commented on his blog with examples of numerous inaccuracies in his translation, and that I was shocked he would charge such amounts for work of such a level. My comment was instantly deleted followed by a post from Elysion saying that he regretted ever allowing open commenting. All comments on his blog of this nature made since have been treated similarly. Criticism is not only not welcome, it is strictly disallowed.

I will be quite frank, as I was in my first post on the topic: I do not believe it either ethically or legally appropriate to charge any amount for translations without anything going to the creator, let alone such large amounts. At this point, I knew two things: 1) I wanted translations for this series to be available in acceptable quality and for free and 2) Elysion was not open to any suggestions whatsoever that his methodology might possibly be incorrect. I thus came to the conclusion that if I wanted the situation to change, I’d have to do it myself… and so I did, and so I will continue to do. If that makes me a thief, then I guess a thief I am. You are under no obligation to read my translations; if you find my work morally repugnant and my style distasteful, then by all means, do not force yourself. No one will blame you.


    1. i wouldn’t exactly say that when he was only charging for EXTRA chapters. also shortly before quitting he was actually splitting it up into parts so that he could release once a day, and third if your leeching than how can you consider yourself poor when your already getting it for free?!


      1. … Just would like to say that I am expressing my own opinions so don’t get too angry at me, please 🙂


    1. wait are you the one who translates Sayonara Ryuusei if so you have my thanks i love the series is my third favorite after konjiki no word master and tate no yusha


      1. I am 😉

        I have some issue with mc of both of those series. They all are so extreme, somewhat hard to relate to. One is just too calculative while the other is bad luck disguised as a character. Might get around to continue reading them when I have the time 😛


  1. It has been funny to see how he changed his plans every day.
    – 2nd May: i’ll ask for what the leechers want to see translated.
    – 3rd May: Poll results :71.16% of 957 voters said “go on” and new poll “which one as the main project? and the nice sentence below:
    “Poll Result by no means define my course of action. But, It will give me an idea of what people wants. Majority that is.”
    Poll result: 1768 voters, 50.34% wants Isekai.
    – 4th May: i’ll drop it since they have already done chapter 10.

    what can I say. every day a plot twist deserving praise.

    Anyway. Though the quality of the translation could have been… better? He at least was able to attract some attention to this novel and moved others to translate it. For this he has my thanks.

    Hiyono thank you for picking it up. I loved Duelist and I hope you’ll do a nice job translating Isekai 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Same here. For those who are wondering what Samayou Shinki no Duelist, its got a labyrinth setting similar to DanMaichi where the main character has a secret or two (he can can also have that Kirito voice) and the goddesses are true Lolis, similar to black bullet in this case.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I was a big fan of him and even supported him in charging for translated chapter but everything changed when he wanted to chage “alone” for a project where 3 tlc translate for free,

      well he ended up charging for isekai only, but the way he acted after that made my evaluation of him hit rock bottom.


  2. Hi Hiyono,

    Many heartfelt thanks for continuing translations with this series. I am certain there will be some who share your sentiments, while others may feel that the approach taken is too aggressive. Nevertheless, there will ALWAYS be multiple ways of approaching a problem, and that in itself is also dependent on the problem definition. The problem definition in turn, is dependent on how people view the other TL’s work, and this as is evident, varies by individual. In short, some will admonish you and others will praise you; DON’T let the opinions of others affect your behaviour. Personally, I feel the means which leads you to translate is irrelevant. Rather, it is the end result, or the translated chapters in this case, that matter. Job well done, and it seems you even have received the approval from not one, but TWO popular TLs as well (Binjhamin and Hendrickson)!

    On a related side note, will this be translated with a set interval, or ‘on a whim’ basis? If possible, I think most will appreciate knowing an approximate range of release dates, irrespective of them being broad or narrow. For instance, from one week to a month, or even one to two weeks. Sorry for the lengthy commentary. Thank you.

    Anon Leecher

    Liked by 1 person

    1. More or less a weekly basis. There will probably be weeks when there’s more than one a week because I have more time and times when it takes longer because I do not. The chapters aren’t terribly long, but translating does require consistent effort. I estimate about once a week should give myself plenty of leeway so that I don’t burn out.

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  3. Well, what can I say… From what I’d heard on Elysion’s wordpress I had the impression you were a random hater who decided to steal Chapter 10 just to annoy him. But since he posted today he would not do Chapter 10 as you finished it I came here to read it. Result? My own thoughts on stealing-or-not-stealing and donations aside, I can’t deny the fact that your translation is of notably higher quality. I’m well impressed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. you know, a lot of random haters that you mention are experienced reader not like the idiot who easily donate to some random translator without knowing the quality. They just prioritize real life, if not they could do MTL themself.


  4. thank you for doing this. this is the first time i read your translation and i have to say… omg its good. the words just flow together and i can read it with pleasure. its rare these days, since most translators are not native English speakers.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thief? It is not like Elysion had special rights that restricted the translation of the series to him alone.
    If Elysion is going to charge large amounts of money for substandard work then throw a fit over criticism, then screw him he clearly does not deserve any consideration.


  6. Thank you for picking this up havent actually read yet but it seems interesting and i will read it once more chapters are available.
    will you be retranslating chapter 1-9 as well? Elysion quality being what it is (just going by the impression i got from quickly looking at the KNW trans)


  7. When I read your chapter 10, I thought I was reading a different chapter since the image I got differed (Like the part where he entered with formal clothes THEN put on his cloak compared to how I misunderstood the other one where I thought he entered with his full battle uniform).
    Is she the main heroine? the white flame mage I mean


    1. Thanks for the translation, forgot to include this. I hope you get pumped up enough for some consistent releases. Though tate no yuusha is short so daily is possible, I hope we get a weekly release for Isekai Mahou


  8. Hmn, something that I would have liked on the “general questions” bit; which is “is the web novel and light novel different?”, (the answer is yes, btw); and any chance of working from the ln? (it has some extra chaps, not sure if there are changes to existing chapters since I haven’t touched the book).

    Oh, also, any chance of (in the long run), doing previous chaps? I remember you mentioning having some progress on at least one, but decided it put it aside.

    I love your work on Duelist btw (it’s you right?)


  9. Thanks for continuing this. I was really sad when PROzess decided to not continue doing this series and only found out that Elysion was doing it like the day before this whole stealing thing started. So I’m not sure about his release speed or how much he was getting in donations for the chapters but the quality of his translations definitely weren’t great enough to really justify donations in my opinion. It was better than pure machine translations so I didn’t mind that much and being the leecher that I am would’ve continued reading his stuff regardless as long as his releases were the fastest. But seeing how things were going I probably would’ve just come here instead. So I’m glad that you’ve decided to pick this up and are giving us higher quality translations.


    1. They do people call themselves “Leechers” anyway? I swear most of the community does not use donations in the form of a commission, so you can’t be leeching…


      1. I first heard the term at RoyalRoadl.

        I believe it was a derogatory term for people who do not “help with”/”contribute to” the translation and complain all the time about translations not being fast enough. Hence, they were “leeches”, or “leechers”.

        I do not know if that was where it originated, but that was where I first heard it in regards to translations.

        It seems now it’s being used to describe anyone who does not help/contribute to translations and reads for free.


      2. Torrent software (explained in the most basic way) calls people who download a file and don’t seed it leechers. So when people read without giving anything back its considered a weird psudo-leeching and has somehow become a strange badge of honor as an inside joke within many internet subcultures. (This is all purely conjecture and based off of my own experience rather then extensive research but I think this might be close to the actual reason [also I am sure it went through 4chan somehow those bastards])


      3. Yeah, I guess it would’ve been more appropriate for me to call myself “lurker” instead since that’s what I do for the most part. The original meaning of leecher that I know is like what Chronos said, about people who complain about translation speed while not giving/contributing anything back. But like Nydestroyer said the meaning has sort of changed and when I used it I just meant that I’m the type of person that just reads whoever releases fastest as long as the quality reaches a base standard of mine regardless of what might be happening with the community regarding the releases.


      4. I think back a few years ago it got started from people who read manga from translation groups would troll post for them taking to long on chapters or just plain post to rile them up. Then got changed slowly over time and now gets worn like a badge of honor by a lot of readers.


  10. Thank you very much for free translation
    Because it’s not worth to donate money if the released time is the same, around 1 week

    Best regards
    From Leecher that didn’t have anything to read


  11. I’ll be honest here… the two of you need to stop bitching and moaning about this. While I do support YOUR side of it, reading about your argument is just getting childish.

    Yes, he hides his intentions of doing it for money by saying it’s for “fun” or “for the fans”, but who cares. If people are stupid enough to want to pay $200 to read a translation that’s similar to a machine translation let them. It’s not their fault that their understanding of grammar is about as good as eating dog shit. I mean have you read any of the comments on his blog? Their grammar is about as good as the translators, so how do you expect them to understand that it’s a shitty translation. They’ll pay for it because they can’t understand the Japanese version themselves.

    Although let’s be honest for a second here. The whole fact that he pretty much started demanding (huge emphasis on demanding) donations less than 1 week after he started “translating” is the real issue here. It’s become a trend lately for people to “request” donations.

    He makes the excuse of “I’m doing it for fun” or “I don’t give a fuck”; yet, he has complained and complained about it non-stop. If he doesn’t give a fuck then stop asking for “donations” and stop complaining like a whiny little bitch. Let’s face it. He was doing this all for the money to start with. Most of the other translators had either a proven track record of creating good translations or a good work ethic. His way of working was “I’ll give you 1 extra chapter a week… maybe… if you give me $200 a week,” he has yet to put out either. It’s like you paying for a cheap hooker only to have her say, “Oh, I’ll think about it.”

    Okay… I got a little side tracked there with my annoyance with him and my point was lost, but what I really meant was that you two need to chill the fuck out. Both of you are being childish and need to give it a rest. The fact that you have people backing either of you shows the lack of class your “fans” and you have in this matter. If any one of you was half decent, fan and translator alike, one of you would have realized this was a pointless argument.

    Simple fact is, if people want to “donate” let them. I use that term “donate” loosely because what he’s really doing is demanding a ransom for a hostage (a hostage that by all rights isn’t worth what is being demanded). If they’re ignorant enough and want low quality then it’s their right to waste their money on a cheap hooker. Those that can afford better or don’t need to pay to get fucked, figuratively and literally, can watch as they waste their money on that. In the end, it’s a battle of quality over quantity.

    If you want him to disappear the answer is simple. Translate faster than him. You’ve already proven your quality is of a higher standard.

    TL;DR STFU. Let people waste their money. Blah blah blah… people are stupid. Stop being childish and just do it.

    FYI I plan to write a message on that guys blog as well. Albeit not as long, because I’m afraid that he may not even understand it, but with a similar point.

    – Sick of you complaining

    **Repost after posting on the wrong blog… As of this moment it appears Elysion has deleted the post I made on his site.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He has proven himself to be opportunistic and manipulative (in a bad way), and I think him stoping because of hiyono is just a convenient excuse (exam) and he will probably find another excuse (in a month or two) to take back translating isekai with “donation”.


      1. I agree with what you’re saying, but the feud they have going on is pointless and for those of us who have read both, as well as seeing the hostilities each side has is quite annoying. Yes it’s on the internet and has little point, but honestly having to wade through all the bashing and whining just makes me feel like they’re just stroking their own egos. As I said, if those people want to throw their money away let them.


    2. You going around insulting other people who’re just here to read a story that they’re interested in is not really helping you get your point across..

      1. English is NOT a native Language for about 94-95% of the world. So who are you to judge the skills of the 95%? There’s no point in slandering the readers because guess what? Everyone of those people has their own life, their own values AND you aren’t a person who has the right to get in their face for it.

      2. The English Grammar in the “internetz” tends to be extremely free, so even native English speakers can seem to be illiterate (Because they don’t care as long as they get the general point across.). And the people who aren’t good at writing tend to have no problems with reading so they CAN understand the story just fine.

      3. It is always better to read a well translated piece, but Elysions translations at least were readable at least in sense that you got the general outlines of the story and for people who were desperate for that kind of a setting/story it was readable. It wasn’t good enough to ask money for it, but it was STILL a slight improvement over machine translations.

      4. “Stop being childish” in a post filled with slander just BEGS to be turned back at you. That is NOT how you try to get your point across. If it’s anything then it’s toxic behavior. If you’re telling others to be mature, it’s not a smart idea to throw oil into the fire by being a ****..

      5. The people who donated to him didn’t do it because he’s an “Awesome guy”, they did it so they could read the awesome story a bit faster. So now that there’s another translator, with higher quality and doesn’t request donations to do extra work, they have no reason to donate. + Elysion dropped Isekai, so you can expect him to have less donations in the future (So he’ll need another money bank that people would be ready to pay for.). And because KnW is a joint project with multiple translators, he won’t be able to hold too many chapters “Hostage” without becoming a third wheel in the team.

      In conclusion: Don’t be a dick (Long lead in right?).


      1. I think the whole point of this war actually not about donation but about the translator community. As you all are know, there are fluctuation of MTL translators that even annoy Krytyk which contributed on setting the fire between MTL translators and experienced translators. I have open minded if I compare with Krytyk, so as long as MTL readable and free then it’s acceptable, BUT if the one they translating is WN and not LN and they even charge money, it’s already out of the range of acceptable. You can’t compare translators who buy the LN and translate from there with someone who copypaste WN to google translate, compose the sentence structure so become readable, and omit the sentence which hard to understand.

        It’s not about the money or donation but about the translation community. If we letting this go on, how many MTL translators out there who will try something like this especially when there is a fluctuation of MTL translators. It’s not about money it’s about right or wrong.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. So, I finally read your translations, and they are wonderful. I didn’t realize there would be such a difference even though I already knew Elysion’s version wasn’t that good.

    Thank you very much for the amazing translations. The difference is wonderful. ^^

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I really love your translations, and I hope that with this, the matter can be put to rest. I don’t hate Elysion, and I find his translations very readable, but your translation quality and speed, I have to admit, is definitely superior.

    I do have to say though, that I like Ren’s (wuxiaworld) donation style, but I think the reason nobody complains about Ren is because of his utterly insane speed and quality (and the fact that he informed the author of his translation). I’m kind of ambivalent on donation systems in general, really.

    Like I said, I just hope that with Elysion dropping the series, this whole argument can be put to rest.

    Thanks for the translations!


  14. I’m staying neutral in this whole whatever the hell one would call it and would like to thank you for yoir latest quality releases.

    So thank you and good job.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Good job picking up the project and making it your own. I also noticed his authoritarian approach to criticism and his deleting comments. I couldn’t stand reading his rants either. As much as he’d like to label donations as just donations, If the reward for donating is extra chapters, it’s not really a donation, it’s paying for services.
    Love your work ethic thought. I already noticed that there is a huge difference in translation quality in your favor.
    Hope you keep it up!


    1. Just put 2 and 2 together. Is this the “brat” that elision kept referring too? The disrespect is real. It’s only made funnier by him not being able to take any criticism.

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    2. Being paid for services is only normal. Although the people who really take their free time to do something they love and help others read something that they themselves love, is admirable, but it’s by no means something that a person has to do. Taking a part of a evening after a hard days work, and instead of relaxing and preparing for the next work day, you sit and translate at your PC, aka not exactly relaxing and preparing for the next work day. Getting paid for that isn’t anything outrageous. Although the quality of Elysions scans is horrible compared to what this guy is doing, and I personally wouldn’t mind throwing in 5-10 bucks if that would increase his motivation.


      1. that way of thinking is dangerous.
        if a lot of people did the same then those translators asking for donations will think: “since he gets money even though the quality is horrible why should I put so much effort translating? I’ll do the same and i’ll get more time to do something else”
        the worst is that he even did an estimate of how much he wanted: “Btw, I’m happy enough with $60 / day which will make daily release.” 22/04/15
        since is not his own story, the quality is horrible, the original owner of the story doesn’t get a cent it.
        at least other translators ask for less (if they do) and do a better job at it.

        speed is not quality and if there is not quality after reading the chapter you’ll have an headache or you’ll have to re-read it to understand what was written.


  16. You can take it as an ungrateful leacher’s comment, but I would like to as about your planned release schedule.

    I read the two chapters, and sure enough, proper grammar and properly formed phrases does make it easier to read, but at least it was not at a level that would hurt your eyes while trying to understand what was written.

    Anyway, back to my point, I find it hard to follow translators that release on a basis that varies too much, so I prefer to know from the get go if I can expect chapters daily, weekly, monthly…

    Of course, it is something that is done during free time, and I understand that you can’t give precise deadline, nor do I want you to, but a vague idea on how often we can expect a new chapter would be greatly appreciated.


  17. i don’t really care about accuracy as long as i know what’s going on, but it sadden me that the translation is going to be slow down… life is full of boredom


      1. I know that the LN chapters are way longer than those of the WN , so no one will expect nor ask you to release at the same pace ; it’s just that since there is a LN , i believe it’s better to translate the best version of the work .

        Anyway ; it’s your call


  18. To solidify your position as the preeminent Isekai Mahou translator, you need to put out chapters 12,13,14 by the end of the day.

    If you can’t then give it up, your no good.

    Anyway I don’t care who translates this story, just translate the shit out of it already. Do it now!!!

    Looking forward to the next chapter. And keep doing a good job, there might be a cookie or two for ya.


      1. Yeah just messing with ya lol

        I know the amount of work that goes into translating, and for the most part there is just not enough time in the day for those who do it to put out that kind of result in a day.

        We the readers just have to be patient. For most though it seems it’s just not possible.


  19. thank you for the translations. I try not to judge based on the translators character. Quite a few of my favorite series are translated by people who I find judgmental, whiny, or small minded. I respect the time that Elysion put into the series, but as he is dropping it, I will be in your care. I don’t know if i think your taking of the series was correct, but seeing as I can get chapters for free I wont be complaining. Also your grammar is definitely much better. I may have bad grammar in my own writing, but I still notice it in others… Thanks again for your time!


  20. Elysion has pretty much pissed into the hands of his readers and spit in the face of the story’s author. He suddenly demanded hundreds of dollars for chapters and then refused to actually translate said chapters. He took FAR too many liberties with the source material. He didn’t ask anyone to QC his translations, nor accept offers for QC assistance. He claimed it was ‘stealing’ when you, another translator, decided to pick up this series. And most of all, he did all of this without listening to a damn word his readers, or peers offered him. If he didn’t wish for others to hold expectations of him, nor criticize him, he should have never started to demand money in exchange for his work. Being paid for your efforts means that you are a professional. If you are a professional you can’t be held to the same grading scale as a hobbyist. If he had stayed a hobbyist everyone would’ve been perfectly content.

    After all the bullshit Elysion has spewn, after all his self pity, after all his arrogance, immaturity, lack of commitment to his own words, his passive aggressiveness. After all this, seeing a translator like you take up the torch he’s left half doused in a puddle of his own conceit, is wonderful. I don’t know why exactly you’ve decided to translate: whether it’s to take a bite out of Elysion’s Ego, to gather readers, to garner praise, or the ever rare; genuine desire to offer your readers a pleasant reading experience. Honestly, even if it was a petty desire, it would still be fine. Whatever it is you’re after; for the quality of the product you offer, the diligence with which you provide it, and the humbleness you bear the platform with, you deserve what you seek.

    You’re more than simply praise-worthy, and I look forward to reading more of your translations in the future.

    -Some Leecher

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    1. A response to quality checking/editor:
      If you look at his earlier translations of the story, he did have an editor. Either the editor quit or he can’t keep up with Elysion’s translation spewing. Elysion even saids that they aren’t at every post when they aren’t.


  21. I like your translation cause i don’t have to ponder around thinking if i understand it correctly. Much gratefulness for your hardwork.


  22. Just wondering im not too familiar with japanese but why do people who can read it raw struggle translating word for word? (For me when i understand something in a diff language my mind just automatically knows the english version too)(not tryna brag or anything)


    1. In my opinion, translating japanese means translating sentences so it’s hard if you have no experience and your vocab still few. For the one who can read raw (not me), I think they just have problem how to interpret it in english eventhough they know the meaning but if they want to they can translate it, maybe there just a little people who interested to translate so the conclusion is the one who can read raw version can actually translate it and I think they will not struggling unless finding difficult kanji. Maybe they just didn’t have time because if someone really good they will not translating WN but get a real job for translating something.


    2. I’ve looked into learning Japanese but don’t actually know it but between the grammatical differences and the fact that Japanese words can have various meanings even knowing the language doesn’t necessarily mean you can translate word for word. You can probably think about it like this: translating it word for word is exactly what machine translation programs do. Obviously they fail and a person knowing the language would likely result in at least getting the right meaning for each of the words, it would still result in a translation that seemed like broken english because of grammar differences. I think that in the end knowing what liberties they can take, in turning that into readable english while staying true to what the author wrote is a large part of what marks the difference in translation quality.


    3. Two reasons there. First, “familiar with Japanese.” If you’re really struggling to translate something at the level of a WN, it’s probably because you aren’t terribly familiar with the language.

      The other part of the equation is “word for word.” The grammatical structure of Asian languages is drastically different from English. If you just translate “word for word,” even if you’re 100% accurate, the result will be very difficult to read.


      1. More like, it’s impossible to translate word for word even for western languages. Not to mention Asian ones. Unfortunately I know people try to do that.

        The general methodology when translating stuff is to read the sentence, understand the meaning and re-write it in a manner that retains all the meaning and tries to imitate the way it’s been read in original.


  23. I have a mixed feeling. My english isn’t good that I have trouble reading your TL as often there are several word to a whole paragraph that will have me running to dictionary.

    It is obvious I won’t mind elysion’s quality as I don’t have the skill to notice it and it is easier to read for me. People need practise to get better, hence I won’t make a fuss of bad quality even.

    I don’t mind his donation because it’s something people give willingly to motivate him to TL more chapters. I do have problem with him dropping isekai , but on another side you have refused his/her collaboration.

    As a leecher like many other, I go where there is the translation. I can’t say I like how and why you do this though.


    1. I can see where a lot of non-native English speakers may see Elysions translations that way. I worked with a French guy for a while who said it was easier for him to understand a foreigner (that was also non-english) who also spoke broken English more so than an actual native English speaker. Native english speakers most often don’t realize that English is one of the most difficult languages to learn to speak. That being said, I have been following Elysions translations for a while and in my own opinion (being a native English speaker) I find Hiyonos translations to be more smooth (not that I mind Elysions translations at all either though).

      Regardless, my only problem with Elysion is with these so called donations. Most people don’t seem to understand but Elysions donations were merely for “extra” chapters beyond what he does weekly. Now Elysion has adamantly stated as having an aloof (on a whim) type of style with translating. When he started this donation thing I immediately thought “Well let’s wait and see if he(she) actually does it when the quota is reached” and according to my expectation Eylsion did not release an extra chapter. Futhermore the quota has now been reached twice ($400+) and he still hasn’t release an extra chapter and has even abandoned the Isekai series itself.

      I check his site each day and he hasn’t even released a weekly chapter in a while (he has actually started releasing parts of chapters on the 30th, the 1st, and the 4th with 4 more parts to go). Now only Elysion knows what Elysion’s intentions are but those are the facts. I know these translators/editors/proofreaders and such are doing this for free and have real lives but if that is the case don’t make commitments that you can’t keep (if you can help it) and more specifically don’t take money for something you claim you will do but in the end don’t.

      Think of it this way: If I were to start a account and claim it was for an earthquake disaster on the other side of the world then keep the money would that be bad? If not then your a horrible person and if so then how is what Elysion did any different? He collected money with a surmise for something but then took that money without completing what was inferred. Legal? Depends on where you live. Unethical? Most definitely. If you don’t think it’s unethical then I highly suggest you take a college level ethics class. I’m from the U.S. and we call that fraud which is illegal and we have courts with selection jurors that decide guilt or innocence not online polls. I don’t care if the majority voted that the donations were “just because”. Online voting polls don’t decide your guilt or innocence.

      In that respect alone I think that what Hiyono has done is admirable. Hiyono, I give my thanks to translators such as yourself and anyone that helps you share these wonderful and amazing stories with the rest of us lowly peasents that only know English. Elysion, it is unfortunate that this donation thing has caused a rift but I also thank you for taking time out of your life to share these creative works that would otherwise go unnoticed. I won’t give you money for it but I hope others and my own thanks is of somewhat equivalent value.


      1. Yes, what elysion did isn’t okay and it’s basically taking advantage of people who want more chapter to get money. To take a donation but not completing what he promised…that alone already give him bad reputation along with his inability to keep his word. I don’t think there will be anyone donating to him now.
        Thanks for the explanation to get a better insight of it. That sounds like a form of fraud now…

        Yet all this fiasco is leaving a bad taste and bad impression to both translator. The reason I have mixed feeling, so well I will just stay on the sideline and watch how this goes.


      1. A PV exists, so I’m most certain there will be one. Kry will post about it most likely when time comes

        -All Night; Krytykal editor.


  24. It sounds like the author has stopped working on the WN to concentrate on the LN. So will you switch to the LN or just keep going on the WN until you run out of chapters?


    1. Usually when the web novels are adapted to light novel, authors concentrate on the light novel versions and rarely update the web novel. Many would like to believe light novels are copy-paste from a webnovel, but in fact authors take entire months to tweak, adapt or change the story according to the publisher’s editorial department and their own re-envisioning.

      Now, authors don’t usually “stop” working on WN, but they do significantly slow down and you might see a webnovel chapter appear sometime soon.


      1. This. Although I should add that there are something like 70ish WN chapters… That’s a looooong way off. We’ll cross that bridge when (if XD) we come to it.


    2. Going to stick with the WN unfortunately. I’d love to do the LN, but it’s a LOT more work.

      Translating even a longish chapter from this WN takes me a couple hours a day over a few days; judging by past experience, translating an LN chapter to a quality I approve of can take me like 20 hours a chapter (I’m fairly slow). That’s a far more significant time commitment than I’m willing to make at this point in time.


  25. I don’t really care who does it as long as it gets done.
    But honestly, it’s called a donation and to be fair it’s a major testing week(APs for me)


  26. Great I accidentally closed the tab to this and it erased my whole spiel. Let’s do a smaller(maybe) one this time.
    This whole entire mess is a headache. It’s a translator fans war.

    Eysion’s Problems:
    -Sub par quality (par is almost paid for book level edits and format)
    -Questionable response to how he acts with donations

    Hiyono’s Problems: (FYI most of this fan war problems is your fault in my opinion)
    How you entered into and took over this translation is poorly done.
    – You entered and pretty much challenged Elysion into a fight
    – The underlying tone in the first post is pretty much there. This will agitate fans of course and they will take sides which results in pointless war.

    Alternatives on how it could have been done:
    -Message Elysion that you want to translate this and you like to work alone and start translating. You could also just start translating without telling anyone.
    -This would have resulted in people seeing your translation and flocking to it. In all sense, you’re providing and alternative just like businesses. You just provide better and quicker translations and people will naturally come. If people start questioning you, just tell them you liked to start translating this. This is not a lie as long as you do like translating this. If Elysion can’t keep up then he will naturally give up and focus on other things. Entering a translation by ranting at someone doesn’t do anything positive, especially by having a gloating attitude in response to the person dropping it. You should have kept your hatred internally and provide people a neutral alternative. You provide people with free, good quality, and quick translations and that’s that. The fan base won’t split up over who’s right. If people like Elysion’s translations, that’s that. Nothing could be done about it. People like your’s, that’s that. The fans are the people and the translators are the leaders. The people will naturally choose the one that they like best and you just have to be the best.

    Sorry about this little rant/spiel. I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s done with this petty fight. This is simply my view on it so Hiyono please read this and consider how you do things. There’s always a repercussion to every action, it just depends how how severe it is. Who knows I might be wrong.

    All in all, with all the drama that is finally over, I wish you good luck in translating this story that most people here would enjoy reading. Have fun.

    -A Reader of this Fine Story

    P.S. I don’t consider myself a Leecher if I’m thankful for the free story and the efforts that people took to provide me with it. I consider myself a Reader.


      1. I like rant/spiel-type stuff. Discussion is always nice 🙂

        My five cents here:

        Although I agree with some of what you’re saying, I don’t believe that this “war” (or drama or whatever it’s called) could have been truly stopped. Perhaps it would have been delayed, but as long as there is the underlying debate between effort and legitimacy of a reward, this translation fan war would’ve happened eventually. (I remember reading Hiyono’s post somewhere that he was actually thinking of translating Isekai much earlier but decided not to until he planned out how to approach this properly; I think he’s considered the consequences.)

        My main disagreement is that I don’t believe this war is pointless. In my opinion, this conflict was a good way to make people think more deeply about the donation system, the translation community and intellectual property ethics.

        That said, regardless of the conflicts and errors, I still want to give thanks to all translators that give a truly enormous amount of effort each week just to give readers (and leechers like me) a chance to read these wonderful novels.


    1. I think, Elyson will not be stopped unless someone doing the bold move, and HIyono is right in doing this, after all Elyson deleted all the negative comments to him and his translation and this mean he is a person who don’t accept other’s opinion. For me, the war is actually between the true readers and donators or maybe Elyson’s believer because they feel that they waste money for nothing if Elyson stop now. if they are just leechers, they will not care if the translator change.


    2. Wow didn’t think people will respond to this. Lol. Well what’s done is done. Nothing can change the past but we can always move onto a better future. Thanks for responding to this. 😀 I’m already past this argument anyways. The rant/spiel calmed me.

      Have fun reading Chapter 12 everyone. I probably won’t come back to this post anyways. It brings back memories of hatred and war… See ya.


  27. I welcome your attitude, I am not in favor of these donations that he is asking for an extra chapter, I think it’s a steal for the author of a novel, best would support the author directly


    1. They don’t allow you to add your site unless you’ve been translating for at least several weeks. I don’t think I’ve been at this long enough for them to accept a request to add the site feed.


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